“Wheel of Fortune” is embarking on its first live tour in North America starting Sept. 8. The tour will stop at 60 cities across the continent and will offer fans a unique experience regarding the show. Guests who are able to score tickets will have the chance to spin a replica of the colorful “Wheel of Fortune” disk. Fans will also solve puzzles on the tour’s game board to win a variety of cool prizes from $10,000 to trips to Paris and Hawaii. Audience members may also be randomly selected to win cash and gifts. Hosts for the shows are set to be announced soon. VIP packages will also be available and will grant fans perks such as early access, premiere seats, pre-show lounge access and photo opportunities to spin the wheel. Cities the tour will hit include Memphis, Atlanta, Seattle, Albany, Detroit and Philadelphia.
“Wheel of Fortune” set to go on first Live Tour
May 19, 2022 | 8:07 AM